The AI Mirror Photo Booth is a powerful AI-driven selfie station designed to enhance your special occasions. It puts your guests in virtual reality, whether it’s a wedding, corporate annual dinner, or any other significant celebration.
AI Face Swap: apply your look to a poster, movie character or legend, it puts your guests in virtual reality
AI Head Extraction: outline of the human head is automatically identified and extracted, and then returns a transparent image pasted to anywhere.
✅ AI Cartoon: transform photos into cartoon avatars, design unique cartoon characters, and unleash AI creativities to life.

2 Hours
1 Character
with 25% discount
3 Hours
2 Characters
with 25% discount
4 Hours
3 Character
with 25% discount

Rental package includes 租借套餐均包括:

🔶 32″ Touch Screen 32吋輕觸式顯示屏
🔶 LED RGB Lighting 炫光燈
🔶 Canon DSLR Camera 單鏡反光相機
🔶 AI Face Swap / Head Extraction / Cartoon 智能換臉 / 剪貼功能 / 卡通人物
🔶 Unlimited Shots with Rapid Printing 無限拍攝,8秒印相
🔶 Single 4R Print 每次單印4R相片
🔶 Email Sharing 電郵分享功能
🔶 Download Link of all Photos 所有相片下載連結
🔶 Online Gallery after Event (valid for 1 year) 後期製作網上相簿(有效期1年)
🔶 2 On-site Attendants 2名駐場工作人員
🔶 Delivery, Setup and Dissembly (H.K., Kln. and N.T.) 免費運輸、組裝及移除(香港、九龍及新界)


Early Bird Offer 早鳥優惠

Book 2 weeks in advance and enjoy 25% off!*
Book 1 week in advance and enjoy 10% off!

並不適用於 每年10月至12月 之間的 星期六及日


*25% discounts offered with Limited quota
Not applicable for weekends between October and December.

Act now to enjoy the best offer!

加鐘 +$1500/小時
升級至6R大相 +$500/小時
額外換臉款式 +$500/款
早費(開始時間) +$400 (08:00-08:59) / $800 (07:00-07:59) / $1200 (06:00-06:59) / 如此類推
晚費(結束時間) +$400 (23:01-00:00) / $800 (00:01-01:00) / $1200 (01:01-02:00) / 如此類推
無升降機需上落樓梯 +$300 /層
提早運輸及設置 +$2000 /日
服務時間內轉移地點 +$1000 /次
長租優惠 低至$2000 /日(相紙另計)
戶外流動電源 如場地未能提供電源,租借流動電源每小時$1000(2小時起)